Spring is just around the corner!!
If you haven’t attended our monthly meetings, it’s easier than ever to join via Zoom. Our next meeting is on February 9, 2021 at 7pm. Click or copy this link to join the Zoom call: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85851808752?pwd=WnR6cUZuNDRUdXRLR3oxS2ZSamQwZz09
Click here to add this meeting to your Google calendar: Google Calendar Invite Here!!
You can view the latest Monthly Vettecetera at this page on this web site: https://www.ncc.ncrs.org/newsletters/
Scroll down this page to read Joe LeMay’s article “How Ethanol Got Into Gasoline; Why it is Time to Remove it”
Facebook Page: The Northern California Chapter now has a Facebook Page. If you have a Facebook account, please “Like” the page. Make sure to check out the latest post on the 1963 Split Window Corvette that chapter member Chris Moore checked out near South San Francisco. The SWC was stored in a garage since the mid 1980’s. It’s on its way this weekend to C2 Restorations (https://c2restorations.com/), owned by chapter member Wayne Yurtin. You can see the NCC facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/NCCNCRS and we’ll post more pictures as Wayne works on the SWC. See a few photo’s below.
How to pay/renew Northern California Chapter and/or your National Dues: Scroll down to the “Happy New Year” December 26, 2020 post and you’ll find detailed instructions how to pay/renew.

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